

Police diversity plan calls for special equity office

Police diversity plan calls for special equity office The Ottawa Police Service has released a multi-year action plan aimed at boosting diversity and stamping out discrimination within its ranks. The plan follows a 2018 census that revealed a deep internal divide over the force’s attempts recruit and promote women and minorities. Data released in November also revealed that black and Middle Eastern drivers are still being pulled over at disproportionately high rates. Later that month, Chief Peter Sloly announced a plan to address those trends would be coming in early 2020. The plan, titled “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion,” lists 10 priorities for 2020, including: Creating a diversification and equity office within the force. Reintroducing the hate crimes unit, which was announced last week. Updating outreach and recruitment criteria to remove unintended barriers for certain applicants. The Ottawa Police Service plans to update its outreach and recruitment efforts to remove ‘unintended barriers’ facing some job applicants. (Radio-Canada) A good start Michael Bach, CEO of the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion, applauded the plan as an important first step. “I think they have done certainly all of the the right steps to move forward with this. This is deliberate action,” Bach told CBC’s All In A Day. “I always just use the analogy of a car driving up a hill. If you take your foot off the pedal you know you’re going to go backwards, so you have to keep your foot on the pedal to make sure things keep moving forward.” diversityconference@23 1 October 17, 2023

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Promoting everyday inclusion in today’s workplaces: ‘Canada’s Best Diversity Employers’ for 2020 are announced

Promoting everyday inclusion in today’s workplaces: ‘Canada’s Best Diversity Employers’ for 2020 are announced TORONTO, March 6, 2020 /CNW/ – With increased public awareness and heightened expectations by nearly all Canadians, more employers are seeing the benefits of placing diversity and inclusion at the centre of their workplace culture. That’s the message from this year’s Canada’s Best Diversity Employers, announced today by Mediacorp Canada Inc., organizers of the annual Canada’s Top 100 Employers competition. “Inclusion is a central part of conversations happening across the country,” says Kristina Leung, Senior Editor of the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project. “Organizations that make this an integral part of their workplace reap the benefits of diverse perspectives, which leads to increased innovation, productivity, and engagement.” Now in its 13th edition, the Canada’s Best Diversity Employers competition recognizes the nation’s leaders in creating inclusive workplaces for employees from five diverse groups: women; visible minorities; persons with disabilities; Aboriginal peoples; and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) peoples. The annual competition is open to any employer with its head office or principal place of business in Canada. Employers of any size may apply, whether private or public sector. “More employers are discovering that creating inclusive workplaces also serves as an important indicator to the wider community beyond the diverse communities involved,” says Richard Yerema, Managing Editor at Mediacorp. “Even small initiatives that are successful in promoting inclusion in the workplace play an important role in signaling to the wider community the values that are central to your organizational culture.” Notable diversity and inclusion initiatives at this year’s winners include: Montreal-based Business Development Bank of Canada / BDC supports female employees with their ‘Young Women at BDC’ network, offering a speaker series, networking opportunities, and social activities that inspire personal and professional growth. Toronto-based Rogers Communications Inc. maintains an Inclusion and Diversity Council, with six subcommittees to monitor progress through quarterly metrics of representation, promotion, and retention and engagement scores. Alberta Health Services organizes Indigenous Listening Days to understand the needs of their Indigenous employees, which led to the creation of an Indigenous health strategy committee. Ontario’s largest community hospital, William Osler Health System, provides training on inclusive language and inclusive gender references to ensure a respectful environment for LGBTQ employees and patients. In British Columbia, the City of Surrey adapted its recreational sports programming to support employees and residents with disabilities, such as wheelchair tennis, sledge hockey, power soccer, and wheelchair basketball. Founded in 1992, Mediacorp Canada Inc. is the nation’s largest publisher of employment periodicals. Since 1999, the Toronto-based publisher has managed the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project, which includes 18 regional and special-interest editorial competitions that reach over 15 million Canadians annually through a variety of magazine and newspaper partners. Mediacorp also operates Eluta.ca, one of Canada’s largest job search engines, which reaches millions of users annually and features editorial reviews from the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project. Mediacorp also hosts Canada’s largest conference for senior-level HR professionals, the Top Employer Summit. This year’s conference took place in November and featured a performance by Coeur de Pirate, one of the most popular musicians in the French-speaking world. The full list of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers for 2020 was announced today in a special magazine published in the The Globe and Mail. Detailed reasons for selection for each of the winners, with hundreds of stories and photos, were released by the editors today and are accessible via the competition homepage. SOURCE Mediacorp Canada Inc. For further information: Stephanie Leung, Assistant Editor, 416-964-6069 x5334 Related Links http://www.mediacorp.ca diversityconference@23 1 October 17, 2023

Promoting everyday inclusion in today’s workplaces: ‘Canada’s Best Diversity Employers’ for 2020 are announced Read More »

How Can You Use Technology to Support a Culture of Inclusion and Diversity?

How Can You Use Technology to Support a Culture of Inclusion and Diversity? The case for diversity and inclusion in the workplace is compelling – not just because it is the right thing to do, but because numerous studies suggest it can drive better business performance too. McKinsey reinforces this in their 2018 study “Delivering through Diversity”. They document the business case for diversity highlighting the link between diversity and company financial performance, suggesting how organisations can craft better inclusion strategies for a competitive edge. With advances in technology and the growth of people analytics, HR increasingly has the tools it needs to promote and embed diversity and inclusion initiatives, and perhaps most critically prove that it can be a significant driver of business performance. Some of the most interesting and insightful research in the D&I space has been undertaken by renowned industry analyst Stacia Garr and her team at RedThread Research. I caught up with Stacia recently to learn more about the research they’ve been conducting. Despite research from the likes of McKinsey establishing a link with financial performance, much of the progress on diversity and inclusion initiatives has been painfully slow. What are the main reasons for this lack of success? In the past, many of the solutions for diversity, inclusion, and equity were focused solely on the individual. Things like unconscious bias and other diversity training efforts, mentoring, and sponsorship were all focused on the behaviour or understanding of one person. It ended up being something of a game of whack-a-mole — all built on a presumption that bias comes only from people. I think now we’re beginning to understand that bias may begin with individuals, but quickly becomes systemic — codified into our processes and cultures. And once bias is part of how we work, it is very difficult to change through one-off efforts like training. In fact, training individuals who then return to an institutionalised system of inequity sends all sorts of mixed signals — and can actually undermine even the good faith efforts companies try to make. Another ingredient that was missing in the past was a lack of energy at the top. Leaders, being largely from populations that don’t suffer from marginalisation themselves, didn’t see, or understand or prioritise D&I, which left organisations struggling to bring the diversity of the world into the workplace, and only perpetuated the lack of diversity at leadership levels. Leaders are gradually understanding the business imperative for a diverse organisation at all levels, and are beginning to realise that building an inclusive culture means also addressing bias as a systemic problem, rather than relying on individual interventions alone. diversityconference@23 1 October 17, 2023

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5 Ways Leadership Can Change the Conversation Around Diversity and Inclusion

5 Ways Leadership Can Change the Conversation Around Diversity and Inclusion One danger of having a strong company culture is that it can be far too easy to perpetuate a culture of sameness where culture “fit” is an excuse to hire people who look, think, act, and build products just like you do. The truth is, diverse organizations and teams are not only proven to perform better, but building an environment where everyone, from any background can bring their authentic self to work is simply the right thing to do. It’s crucial to approach diversity and inclusion (D&I) with humility, vulnerability, and authenticity. At CFIE, our diversity data shares a snapshot of the composition of our company by gender, ethnicity, and age along with our plans for the future to make the organization more diverse and inclusive as we grow. If we don’t embrace an inclusive culture, it is impossible to speak genuinely to our customers. To lead from the top on inclusion and reinvent the standard of diversity, here are a few best practices business leaders should drive toward. Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet quid dolormen gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliqunean sollicitudinlorem quis bibendum auci elit consequat When transparency is a core commitment, it’s important that you’re not just sharing what the organization is excelling at, but the harder realities as well. Not only did we find that more and more candidates and employees were asking that we share our work in this space publicly, but we found that when we did, engagement increased. By being transparent and sharing the sometimes harsh realities, our work in diversity and inclusion becomes more inclusive by welcoming input from all. In order to build a company of generations to come, diversity and inclusion must be bought in by senior leaders as a business priority. Like with any challenge, leaders must dive in and analyze from a business perspective rather than sit on the sidelines hoping the challenge will sort itself out. What will they find? That the topic is hard, messy, and personal, but imperative, for the success of your business, your brand, and your customers. diversityconference@23 1 October 17, 2023

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